Our results

Our company accepts some of the menu items of the telephone customer service of insurance companies, it is efficient service to sales we run campaigns.
Lindt and other webshops for, we provide infrastructure and human resources of a large company standard in relation to telephone customer service.
In the dietary supplement market we have six years of sales and customer service experience.
Our outbound sales campaigns represent a large volume for our clients, which we have perfected over many years.
Call center
providing telephone customer service in fourteen languages
development and operation of a telephone sales model during telephone customer service
we provide customer relationship (CRM) consulting for large companies or for small and medium enterprises
Outbound campaigns
sales with "cold" calls, for which we provide a database
cross-selling campaigns
retention campaigns
Starter package for webshops
telephone customer service max. per day Handling 15 calls
email, chat management, free consultation
weekday opening hours during business hours
voiceovers in studio quality!
provision of a landline number
archiving sound files
All for a fixed monthly price, of which we now offer a 10% discount!